TO_INT block

Short summary



→POU type



Standard (safe), Convert, block with internal error diagnostic

Conform to →IEC-standard

(info) implementer-specific realization; see "Functionality"


(plus) more possible than defined in IEC-standard; see "Explicit conversion according to IEC-standard"

Graphical interface

Available since

version 1.0.0 (for Neuron Power Engineer) – initial variant

version 1.90.0 (for Neuron Power Engineer) – enhancement: TIME_OF_DAY for IN

version 2.0.15 (for library Standard) – enhancement: STRING for IN without character _, internal error diagnostic

version 2.0.16 (for library Standard) – enhancement: STRING for IN with character _

version 2.0.17 (for library Standard) – enhancement: CHAR for IN

version 3.1.0 (for library Standard) – For inputs of data type REAL, the optimized float variant of the C-runtime is used. Compared to previous versions, it is possible that (marginal) other results are returned within the threshold range of the block. 

version 3.8.0 (for library Standard (safe)): block provided in this library


The blocks serves for explicitly converting the value connected to input IN into a value of data type INT.

If the connected value is within the range of values overlapping for the data type of the input and for the result value INT, the blocks returns this value.

Implementer-specific realization

The IEC-standard defines that it is an error when the connected value is not within the range of values overlapping for the data type of the input and for the data type of the return value as well as that the behavior in the case of such an error is implementer specific. The general behavior of the TRUNC blocks inNeuron Power Engineer is as follows: The non-overlapping value range is not considered to be an error. The return value of the block depends on the compiler and target system (see "Effects of the compiler settings on the execution" for details).

Observe as well:

  • If converting data types to the TIME data type and vice versa, the conversion is always based on seconds.

  • If a value of data type STRING is connected to the input, the value is converted to a decimal value (base: 10, allowed digits: 0 to 9) and then this decimal value is converted to a value according to the target data type . The following special cases might occur (see under "Example for usage within ST-editor"):

    • If the value starts with the character + , with blanks or tabs (= so-called whitespace) and the value is within the range of values for the target data type, the value is converted to a positive decimal value (without these characters). In this case, the output ENO is set to value TRUE.Details on this conversion:  The character + as prefix for the value is ignored, blanks and tabs (= so-called whitespace) are ignored as well. 

    • If the value starts with the character  and the value is within the range of values for the target data type, the value is converted to a negative decimal value. In this case, the output ENO is set to value TRUE as well. 

    • If the value contains an invalid character, the block returns the value 0. In this case, the output ENO is set to value FALSE

      Valid characters

      invalid characters

      digits (base: 10, numbers: 0 to 9)
      Example for value with valid character: '7'

      other characters such as letters
      Example for value with invalid character: '12a3', 'a123'

      one character + or as a prefix of the value
      Example for value with valid character: +2 or –3

      repetitions of + or at the beginning of the value, the character + or within the value
      Example for value with invalid character: '++1', '1–3'

      single underscore characters _ within the value
      Example for value with valid character: 1_2 or 1_2_3

      underscore character _ at the beginning or the end of the value, several characters _ behind one another
      Example for value with invalid character: _12, 12_ or 1__2

    • If the STRING value to be converted exceeds the upper limit of the target data type, the block returns the upper limit of the target data type. In this case, the output ENO is set to value FALSE as well. 

    • If the STRING value to be converted is below the lower limit of the target data type, the block returns the lower limit of the target data type. In this case, the output ENO is set to value FALSE as well. 

  • If a value of data type CHAR is connected to the input, the conversion is analogous to a STRING value. But different to the STRING conversion, the CHAR conversion supports single digits digits 0 to 9 only. For all other characters (letters, the characters +- and _), the block returns the value 0 and the output ENO is set to value FALSE.  

Explicit conversion according to IEC-standard

The IEC-standard defines an explicit conversion of the following data types to INT:


Inputs, return value



→Data type





value to be converted

Return value:



Input EN and output ENO are available when →calling the block. See "Execution control: EN, ENO" for information on input EN and output ENO.


Internal error diagnostic for block

The block checks the value connected to the input. The output ENO of the block is set to value FALSE (or an equivalent) in the following cases:

  • STRING value contains an invalid character. (Moreover for this case, the block returns the value 0.)

  • STRING value exceeds the upper limit of the target data type. (Moreover for this case, the block returns the upper limit of the target data type.)

  • STRING value is below the lower limit of the target data type. (Moreover for this case, the block returns the lower limit of the target data type.)

  • The CHAR value is an invalid character. (Moreover for this case, the block returns the value 0.) 

Example for usage within ST-editor

The calculated values are evaluated by using the Assert block.

Example for DINT value

   result : INT; 
  result := TO_INT(IN := SINT#12);
  Assert(result = 12);
Example for STRING values
   resultStr1, resultStr2, resultStr3, resultStr4, resultStr5, resultStr6, resultStr7, resultStr8, resultStr9, resultStr10, resultStr11, resultStr12, resultStr13, resultStr14, resultStr15 : INT;
   CheckENO1, CheckENO2, CheckENO3, CheckENO4, CheckENO5, CheckENO6, CheckENO7, CheckENO8, CheckENO9, CheckENO10, CheckENO11, CheckENO12, CheckENO13, CheckENO14, CheckENO15 : BOOL;
  resultStr1 := TO_INT(IN:='12', ENO=>CheckENO1);
  Assert(resultStr1 = 12);
  Assert(CheckENO1 = TRUE);
  resultStr2 := TO_INT(IN:='    3', ENO=>CheckENO2);
  Assert(resultStr2 = 3);
  Assert(CheckENO2 = TRUE);
  resultStr3 := TO_INT(IN:='+2', ENO=>CheckENO3);
  Assert(resultStr3 = 2);
  Assert(CheckENO3 = TRUE);
  resultStr4 := TO_INT(IN:='-3', ENO=>CheckENO4);
  Assert(resultStr4 = -3);
  Assert(CheckENO4 = TRUE);
  resultStr5 := TO_INT(IN:='1_2', ENO=>CheckENO5);
  Assert(resultStr5 = 12);
  Assert(CheckENO5 = TRUE);
  resultStr6 := TO_INT(IN:='1_2_3', ENO=>CheckENO6);
  Assert(resultStr6 = 123);
  Assert(CheckENO6 = TRUE);
  resultStr7 := TO_INT(IN:='123a45', ENO=>CheckENO7);
  Assert(resultStr7 = 0);
  Assert(CheckENO7 = FALSE);
  resultStr8 := TO_INT(IN:='a1234', ENO=>CheckENO8);
  Assert(resultStr8 = 0);
  Assert(CheckENO9 = FALSE);
  resultStr9 := TO_INT(IN:='++1', ENO=>CheckENO9);
  Assert(resultStr9 = 0);
  Assert(CheckENO9 = FALSE);
  resultStr10 := TO_INT(IN:='1-3', ENO=>CheckENO10);
  Assert(resultStr10 = 0);
  Assert(CheckENO10 = FALSE);
  resultStr11 := TO_INT(IN:='_12', ENO=>CheckENO11);
  Assert(resultStr11 = 0);
  Assert(CheckENO11 = FALSE);
  resultStr12 := TO_INT(IN:='12_', ENO=>CheckENO12);
  Assert(resultStr12 = 0);
  Assert(CheckENO12 = FALSE);
  resultStr13 := TO_INT(IN:='1__2', ENO=>CheckENO13);
  Assert(resultStr13 = 0);
  Assert(CheckENO13 = FALSE);
  resultStr14 := TO_INT(IN:='35000', ENO=>CheckENO14);   (* The upper limit for INT is 32_767. *)
  Assert(resultStr14 = 32_767);
  Assert(CheckENO14 = FALSE);
  resultStr15 := TO_INT(IN:='-35000', ENO=>CheckENO15);   (* The lower  limit for INT is -32_768. *)
  Assert(resultStr15 = -32_768);
  Assert(CheckENO15 = FALSE);

When creating your application within the ST-editor, enter a call of a block by typing the text as requested by the syntax or use Content Assist.